Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

7600 Cahill Avenue, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 651.451.6225 Get Directions


When children are baptized, the Church makes a promise to walk with them and their parents on the journey.  At Good Shepherd Lutheran, we know it is a privilege to participate in helping to guide children and their parents along life’s many milestones of faith.  Whether one’s feet are big or small, fresh or worn, running or crawling:

Good Shepherd’s Inter+Gen Ministry Team provides a variety of offerings to help grow faith in children, families and people of all ages.  Throughout the year we offer events, faith learning and service opportunities that connect our children to faith filled adults.  Jesus is the heart of all our offerings.

Nurturing Life-Long Faith Learning

Sunday School with Worship
Sundays at 9:45am
During the school year, children’s faith learning is offered on most Sunday mornings during 9:45 worship for K thru Grade 4.  The Pastors rotate as part of the Sunday School teaching team.  There is a Bible lesson, some activities, and relationship building.  Usually, children return to worship after the sermon.

Kids and Communion
We welcome children of any age to receive communion!  If your child will be receiving communion, please ask them to extend their hands to the communion server.  If they are not taking communion, they can keep their hands by their sides to receive a blessing.  Periodically, we offer a communion class for children to attend with their parents.  In these classes, we teach basic information about communion, followed by a worship service where the child can receive communion.  If you have questions about your child receiving communion, please connect with a pastor.

Bible Instruction Class

This class is for children who have not yet received a Bible or those who would like a Bible refresher class. We offer a kid-friendly tutorial about the Bible. Children taking this class will receive Bibles as a gift during a worship service.  Offered in the fall.

Communion Classes & Celebrations

This Sacrament of Holy Communion class is open to people of all ages, which is current with the ELCA’s communication regarding First Communion. This class provides an overview for those receiving the Sacrament for the first time and others wanting a refresher on its message.  We ask that a parent attend class with their child.  To read more on this topic, click here.

Those who have completed the class will be celebrated during Thanksgiving Eve and Maundy Thursday worship.  Sign up with Pastor Courtney.

Family Fun Night

During the school year, once a month we have a Family Fun Night. While all ages are welcome these are primarily geared towards pre-K and elementary students. Join us for a meal, a Bible story, and some fun activities as we learn about God’s love together.