Worship Assistants execute Good Shepherd’s vision to Create Grace-filled Actionable Worship
Each of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms ~ I Peter 4:10
Help Good Shepherd execute our vision by volunteering to serve during Sunday morning worship. Serving in the role of usher, greeter/welcomer, communion assistant or song leader enhances the worship experience of all those attending and is a faithful practice of showing others hospitality.
The ministry of the Greeter/Welcomer is to express Christ’s love by extending a warm welcome to the members and visitors entering through our doors.
The Greeter serves at the front doors before each worship service and is there to say hello and welcome to everyone attending. Greeters are also the first point of contact for visitors and potential new members.
The Welcomer serves in the Commons area after the worship service. During the final hymn, the pastors will point out visitors and/or newly joined members to the volunteer so that they can personally say hello and welcome to Good Shepherd.
The church usher helps to ensure a smoothly running church service and ministers to people in a variety of practical ways. The usher’s duties include but are not limited to: greeting people at the sanctuary doors as they arrive, assisting those with specific needs, collecting the offering and directing the communion process. The role of usher is an honorable position in the church as they promote an atmosphere of reverence and worship in the house of God.
Communion Assistants
At Good Shepherd, all are welcome at the Lord’s Table. To allow for an efficient process we have two Communion Assistants at each service. They may sit wherever they choose and will come to the altar during the offertory hymn. The role of Communion Assistant is to assist with the distribution of the wine and juice. Each communicant will receive the bread from the Pastor and then move to the Communion Assistant for the wine or juice.
Special Music
Special music guests enhance the worship experience by sharing their musical skills in worship. Special music providers share a musical piece during the offering or communion as singers or instrumentalists. Both roles work closely with our director of music rehearsing in order to prepare to lead at a comfortable and ready level.
If you have a musical talent and are wanting to share it, please email the church office.