The children will arrive dressed up at 11:45 for lunch followed by a time of preparation of tea, table settings, goodies and entertainment for the guests they will host. Guests arrive at 1:00 for a glorious hour of pampering.
If you are a guide on Sunday mornings for 3 year olds-Grade 5 of a Wednesday Night Guide for 608 grade, please attend this important orientation. If you are interested in becoming a Guide, please see Karen Davis, Jacob Niewinski or Pastor Leesa.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
7600 Cahill Ave, Inver Grove Heights, MN, United States
This Ministry opportunity is for children in K-Grade 5 and includes a variety of activities such as games, drama and Bible study. Children are invited to stay with the group for 7:30 worship or attend with a parent. Children are to be dropped off and picked up in the Narthex.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
7600 Cahill Ave, Inver Grove Heights, MN, United States
The Inter-Gen Ministry Team will provide a workshop to help children and parents learn more about using the Bible at home and in church. Bibles will be presented during the Wednesday evening worship service on October 7.
This event if for all those involved in Children's Ministry; guides, parents, guardians and children. Come have some dinner and chat together while the kids play in the indoor playground!